As me

Sustainable growth is what founders want for their business, but that growth you thought would solve your problems has only created more challenges. The consequences of this growth means:

My job is to help you control the chaos, get shit done, and fill the gaps as you scale. Traditionally I’d be called a COO or Chief of Staff but I prefer to call myself a professional do-er. I am an enabler of people and strategy.

I specialise in quickly solving hard problems. I am not fazed by chaos and messy growth, in fact, I relish it. Bring me your big and your boring problems. I thrive in the world of ambiguity. Nothing feels better than extinguishing operational fires and helping incredible founders do incredible things.

This work can, and does, take a lot of different forms. When I joined a young HealthTech startup that had just received funding, I needed to start from scratch to build a functional team, while simultaneously being the entirety of that team. I solved problems across customer success, data analysis, user research, operations, marketing, recruitment, community building, business reporting, and many other areas. By doing all of the work myself, I was better equipped to hire a great team capable of growing the business.

When I joined an established startup that was struggling, debt-ridden and loss-making, I coached and mentored an established team to improve delivery quality, collaboration and communication. Using my Accelerated Smooth Collaboration approach, I worked with everyone across the business to shape them into a culture driven, high performing team, who were aligned and ambitious. I managed the product development, speeding up time to release cycles and using data led and user research approaches to identify the important features turning it into a profit-making organisation.

Similarly, I remotely supported a young Not-for-Profit who ran an accelerator programme to support local Ghanian businesses to become sustainable and register as B-Corps. I supported the CEO as her fCOO for the first 2 years. Her vision included developing the careers of young people, from intern to full programme managers. I translated the vision, values and culture into how the team would collaborate and work together.  I built and supported the scaling of the programme structure and processes, I created, organised and managed the hiring process  as well as training the interviewing team and ultimately hiring my full-time replacement in the local office while providing ongoing mentoring support.

If any of the above resonates with you, I’m offering a workshop that will help you build an action plan to solve your most pressing problems.  If that goes well, we can choose to work together some more. If it doesn’t go well,  I’ll give you your money back and we’ll go our separate ways.

Let’s get shit done.

Third Person to share

Sustainable growth is what founders want for their business, but that growth you thought would solve your problems has only created more challenges. The consequences of this growth means:

Ghilaine helps you control the chaos, get shit done, and fill the gaps as you scale. Traditionally she’d be called a COO or Chief of Staff but she prefers professional do-er. She is an enabler of people and strategy.